Place-names App
Ap nan Ainm

Is e aplacaid stèidhte air ainmeanan-àite Ghlaschu agus rannsachadh a rinneadh orra aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu a tha ann an GLASCHU. Chaidh a leasachadh aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu eadar An Dàmhair 2017 agus Am Màrt 2018. Tha an ap ri faotainn air innealan Android agus iOS.
Prìomh fheartan:
- Dèan dealbh-chunntas agus feuch ri caraidean airson an àireamh as motha de dh’ainmeanan-àite a lorg
- Lorg ainmeanan-àite eadar An Eochair agus Poll Mac Dè, a’ fuasgladh fios falaichte mu an cuid eachdraidh agus ag ionnsachadh mu Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu. Faodar seo a dhèanamh le bhith ag itealaich feadh a’ mhapa air neo a’ tadhal air àitichean ann an da-rìreadh leis an aplacaid gad leantail le GPS
- Èist ri ainmeanan-àite ionadach air am fuaimneachadh sa Ghàidhlig
- Rùraich Glaschu mar a tha is mar a bha
Chaidh an ap a dhealbhadh agus a leasachadh aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu le:
Darya Shumitskiy, Edward Wood, Anneli Pedersen, Gabor Borics-Kurti and Dhitiwat Jongsuebchoke;
Dr. Alasdair C. MacIlleBhàin and Dr. Katherine Forsyth (Ceiltis & Gàidhlig, Oilthigh Ghlaschu);
Matt McKenna agus Hazel Wallace (Dress for the Weather).
Buidheachas do:
Dr. Simon Taylor (Oithigh Ghlaschu);
Dr. Peter Drummond;
Rona Dhòmhnallach (Glaschu Beò);
Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba.

GLASCHU is an educational app based on University of Glasgow research on Glasgow’s Gaelic place-names. It was developed at the University of Glasgow between October 2017 and March 2018. It is available for download on Android and iOS devices.
The app’s main features:
- Create a profile and compete with friends to discover the most place-names
- Discover Gaelic place-names from Yoker to Polmadie, unlocking their history and learning about local Glasgow Gaelic as you fly around the map or visit the places in person as the app tracks your location
- Hear place-names pronounced in Gaelic
- Explore Glasgow’s modern and ancient landscapes
The app was designed and developed at the University of Glasgow by the following people:
Darya Shumitskiy, Edward Wood, Anneli Pedersen, Gabor Borics-Kurti and Dhitiwat Jongsuebchoke;
Dr. Alasdair C. Whyte and Dr. Katherine Forsyth (Celtic & Gaelic, University of Glasgow)
Matt McKenna and Hazel Wallace (Dress for the Weather).
With thanks to:
Dr. Simon Taylor (University of Glasgow);
Dr. Peter Drummond;
Rona MacDonald (Glasgow Life);
Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba.