Gaelic Arts
Ealan Ghàidhlig
“…a language’s death cannot be halted unless artist take the language seriously. Art works at less obvious and deeper levels, bringing issues to life for its survival [..and…] it is the artists, singers, poets, writers, dramatists and musicians who are the essential catalyst in changing public attitudes to language issues.”
The arts have a crucial role in unearthing Gaelic’s historical links to Glasgow, establishing its place and relevance today, as well as forging new paths, particularly within the vibrancy of urban living in one of the best contemporary art scene in the UK.
Within the context of a minority language it’s a tool to strengthen and revitalise the Gaelic culture for a diverse range of learners, visitors, artists, audiences, speakers and supporters.
The existence and development of Gaelic Arts in Glasgow contributes to language loyalty and cultural confidence, a platform for cultural expression for all and a place for artists to take risks, discover new voices and be at the forefront of the drive for cultural equality, growth and acceptance.
Ann an 2004, rinn Comhairle Baile Ghlaschu inbheisteadh ann an leasachadh Ealain Ghàidhlig ann an co-theacsa baile-mòr ann an Alba. On uair sin tro Ghlaschu Beò, tha e air prògram bailteil Ealain.
Ghàidhlig a leasachadh a tha gun choimeas ann an Alba. Le 10% de luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig ann an Alba, agus 11,845 stèidhichte ann am mòr-sgìre Ghlaschu, is e cochuid cudromach den coimhearsnachd Ghàidhlig làithreach a tha seo. Cho-dhùin.
Aithisg Myerscough 2011 gur e Glaschu am baile-mòr as cudromaiche airson cultar san Rìoghachd Aonaichte taobh a-muigh Lunnainn. Tha am baile-mòr cultarach co-aimsireil seo fosgailte do lìonmhorachd de chothroman airson na h-àireimh de luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig a mheudachadh agus ùidh anns na h-Ealain Ghàidhlig san fharsaingeachd a leudachadh, tro phrògraman eadar-theachd spreagail de ealain, tachartasan, fèisean, lìonraidhean agus iomairtean.
Tha suidheachadh gun choimeas aig prògram Ealain Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu Beò taobh a-staigh co-theacs ùghdarrais ionadail agus a thaobh Buidhnean Nàiseanta airson Gàidhlig.
In 2004, Glasgow City Council, made an investment into the development of Gaelic Arts in a city context in Scotland. Since then through Glasgow Life, it has developed an urban based Gaelic Arts programme that has been unique in Scotland. With 10% of Scotland’s Gaelic Language speakers, 11,845 are based in the Greater Glasgow, this is a significant proportion of the current Gaelic speaking community.
The 2011 Myerscough Report concluded that Glasgow is the most significant city for culture in the UK, outside of London. Glasgow as a contemporary cultural city lends itself to a myriad of opportunities for increasing the numbers of Gaelic speakers and broadening interest in Gaelic Arts generally, through dynamic intervention programmes of arts, events, festivals, networks and initiatives.
Glasgow’s Life’s Gaelic Arts programme has a unique position within a local authority context and in relation to National Agencies for Gaelic.
Find out more about Glasgow’s Gaelic Arts Strategy here
Gaelic Arts Organisations working in partnership with Glasgow Life
An Lòchran:
Sabhal Mòr Ostaig [SMO]:
The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland:
The National Theatre of Scotland:
The Gaelic Books Council:
Ceòl ‘s Craic: