Fàs air clàr na gàidhlig ann an glaschu a’ toirt sealladh lèirsinneach air a’ ghàidhlig mar a bha agus mar a tha sa bhaile

A growing record of Gaelic in Glasgow giving a visual snapshot of what Gaelic, past and present, looks like in the city.


Chan urrainn na chuir Gàidheil ri beatha obrach a’ bhaile a bhith air fhuasgladh bho eachdraidh a’ bhaile fhèin. Tro obair chruaidh, innleachdas agus spiorad tionnsgaineach, tha an obraiche Gàidhlig follaiseach ann an raon de dhreuchdan agus a’ leantainn fortanan is fàillingidhean Ghlaschu fhèin.


The contribution Gaels have made to the working life of the city can’t be disentangled from the city’s own history. Through hard work, ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit, the Gaelic worker is evident in a array of professions and traces Glasgow’s own economic fortunes and failures.


Tha buaidh air a bhith aig Gàidhlig agus tha fhathast air cànan Ghlaschu. Tha sgrùdadh air ainmean-àite agus foghlam a’ solarachadh ceangal susbainteach eadar cànan a bha, a tha, agus a bhios san àm ri teachd, a’ foillseachadh eileamaidean de dh’eachdraidh sòisealta air a bheil glè thric dearmad no mì-thuigse.


Gaelic has had, and is still having, a strong impact on the language of Glasgow. The study of place-names, archives and education provides a tangible link between language of the past, present and future, revealing elements of social history often overlooked or misunderstood.


Tha Glaschu làn làraichean le ceangal làidir ri cultar na Gàidhlig. Tha làraichean ann air am faod thu tadhal agus tha làraichean ann a tha falaichte, ach air an toirt beò tro òrain is dàin. Tha na h-àiteachan sin a’ fighe còmhla agus a’ cruthachadh bun-stuth baile nuadh-aimsireil.


Glasgow is full of sites with a strong connection to Gaelic culture. There are places which you can visit and there are places hidden from view, only to be unearthed through songs and poetry. These places knit together and form the fabric of the modern city.